Sunday, 30 September 2012


I'm very partial to Pokemon and the colour yellow. And it seems someone on Deviant Art feels the same, too. It's a shame that this is only fan art - I'd happily give Nintendo another $170 for one. (More if it came bundled with an actual Pokemon Yellow remake. We can only dream.)

Edit: What do you know, dreams do come true. Too bad it's Europe-exclusive for now and only in XL version. (And there's still no word on Pokemon Yellow 3D.)

Friday, 28 September 2012

This Is Objectionable

Old news, but Ace Attorney 5 recently received a nifty-looking trailer. The Ace Attorney series is, in my opinion, one of the best series to come out of the original DS line and I'm absolutely ecstatic that we're finally getting concrete details after a five-year wait.

The 3D models are a welcome upgrade; I'm amazed at how much they retain the style of the original 2D sprites. The animations seem much more varied and they'll hopefully make courtroom scenes even more hectic. Phoenix returning as the protagonist instead of Apollo puzzles me, though. I'm sure he'll pop up with Trucy sooner or later, but I will be sorely disappointed if they dismiss him after one game. At the very least, he should take over a few cases a la Mia Fey in Trials and Tribulations. Phoenix's new design is kinda iffy and the new assistant doesn't strike me like Maya and Trucy did, but I'm sure they'll look better with time.

At the very least Capcom confirmed a localization for the game almost immediately, so us non-Japanese fans won't be left in the dark again after the whole Ace Attorney Investigations 2 fiasco.

What do you think of the game so far? Share your opinion in the comments!

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Why I Wish I Lived on the Bionis

Gaur Plains
Makna Forest
Satorl Marsh
Wow. From these screens it's clear that Xenoblade Chronicles was the game made to fulfil the dreams of fantasy landscape fetishists. The beautiful environments make running around with a red beamsword even more enjoyable. Were the titan real I'd certainly look into taking residence there. (Maybe if there were less Mechon attacks.)

What were your favourite areas in the game? Share them in the comments below.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

The Five Most Overpowered Weapons
in Kid Icarus: Uprising

Pit and his crew firing off into the distance
Hurray for teamwork!
(Pfft, that guy with the First Blade totally did all the work)
Uprising is the newest game from Masahiro Sakurai, the first (and last) from Project Sora, and the latest instalment in the Kid Icarus series following a 25-year hiatus. It boasts an epic story, heaps of content, tight gameplay, and some of the wittiest dialogue to ever grace a Nintendo title. All of this alone would label it as one of the finest new experiences in gaming.

Of course, this neglects to mention Together Mode, Uprising's multiplayer mode. To most players, this mode is arguably the game's defining aspect, and with good reason. Not only does Light vs. Dark provide a refreshing take on the team-based shooter, but the hundreds of obtainable weapons add a myriad of different playstyles and strategies to suit just about anyone.
Like any other multiplayer-based game, though, there are bound to be some balance issues. Unfortunately, Sakurai's games (namely Smash Bros) are notorious for their unbalanced gameplay. While his attempt to bring a competitive scene to this beloved old franchise isn't quite as bad, it's clear that some weapons perform much better than others, often unfairly so. With six months experience of the game, I'll try to address some of the absurd and absurdly powerful weapons in Uprising.