Friday, 2 November 2012

The WiiU Is... a Controller?

The advertising campaign for Nintendo's WiiU console started in America yesterday, with the television commercial above.

I'm sorely disappointed in Nintendo of America's marketing department on this one. Unlike the old 3DS ad that made it clear that it was a separate experience from the DS, the entire one-minute and six seconds is spent on the GamePad. It's important to market the system's main selling point, but nothing saying 'this isn't Wii, this is WiiU' is just asking for monumental confusion among the less-savvy casual gamers. There isn't even a proper close-up of the console itself! It's as if Nintendo wants people to believe the GamePad is just another controller peripheral. On top of everything, the music is also pretty bad. A glitchy sounding electro song over people playing and laughing in poppy, multicoloured rooms? It sounds like the next video in the series of unfitting music videos on Youtube.

When they decided to keep the Wii name I expected Nintendo to be more cautious about advertising, after the mass confusion between the 3DS and DS. Heck, they even acknowledged that as one of factors attributing to the former's poor launch sales. I doubt it'll happen to the same degree as some venues are already completely booked in pre-orders, which is actually very exciting. Still, if Nintendo doesn't up their game this time, the WiiU will soon be known as the Wii Tablet Controller.

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