On the other hand, I know a good portion of you readers are still uncertain about making such a hefty purchase early on. And while I could ask, "What the hell is wrong with you!?" like a good Nintendo fan, it's perfectly understandable that you'd feel that way. It's new, experimental, the game library hasn't developed yet, and it doesn't toast waffles. Following the Wii and the massive game droughts it had in-between its life cycle, there's more than enough reason for gamers to be cautious this time around.
But that doesn't mean Nintendo hasn't learned from their mistakes; they've gone out of their way to apologize for turning away the so-called "hardcore" gamers for the casual crowd, and they've promised that this generation will be a welcome back to their truer fans. A lot of people are quick to dismiss that as a broken oath after the reveal of the WiiU and its tablet controller gimmick guaranteed to bring in another five years of shovelware. They're blind to the fact that yes, Nintendo is doing everything in their power to make this next generation a good one for hardcore Nintendo fans.
Here are four big reasons why gamers should be excited about the WiiU, and why U should look into getting one, too.
Here are four big reasons why gamers should be excited about the WiiU, and why U should look into getting one, too.